Some Tips to Improve English Speaking: How to Speak English Fluently?

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Those who are researching how to improve their English speaking skills on the internet are currently in a judgment-free and secure space where they will find the necessary motivation. There is no need to extensively discuss the advantages of learning English anymore. Although we have not successfully integrated it into educational processes, we have at least instilled the goal of learning and speaking English in individuals. Like you, I also failed to learn English in school. For this reason, I discovered alternative methods and embarked on the journey. Eventually, today, I can converse with people from every corner of the world, from every culture. I owe this not to knowing English only, but to speaking it. Now, let's begin solving the puzzle of improving English speaking skills. If you would like to learn how to speak English fluently, then continue reading!
Table of Contents:
1. Why Is Improving English Speaking So Difficult?
2. How Can I Develop English Speaking Skills?
3. Which Paths Should I Follow in This Process?
3.1. Professional Tutors Enabling One-on-One Conversations
3.2. Learning from Mistakes with Instant Feedback
3.3. Gradually Enhancing English Speaking Skills
3.4. Confirming Progress with Level Assessment
4. How Can I Achieve These? Online English Learning Applications
4.1. Flalingo
4.2. Cambly
4.3. EF English Live
5. Conclusion
Things haven't gone as expected in this matter, and you are seeking solutions by putting in extra effort. First and foremost, I would like to begin by acknowledging that experiencing difficulties in English speaking is a natural part of the process.
If you were to ask, "Why is it so difficult to improve English speaking?" I would like to add this: acquiring the skill of speaking English is not inherently difficult. It means you haven't encountered the elements that will help you gain this skill. By taking the important steps that I will discuss in this article, you will see how quickly you can make progress in a short time. In short, improving English speaking is never difficult. While every student may face challenges at different points, speaking English does not require extraordinary talent or an effort that pushes your limits. After explaining this, let's discuss the necessary guidelines leading you to speaking English fluently.
Above all, you must work within a plan and program framework to learn and speak English. Some individuals try to offer advice with a know-it-all attitude to those seeking solutions in English. There are even those who claim that it can happen by watching TV series and movies. Disregard those who present such condescendingly justified recommendations. Just as learning musical notes by listening to songs is impossible, speaking English by watching TV series and movies is not feasible. Therefore, you need to take the necessary steps in the right place and with the right person.
If we agree that it is necessary to work systematically and with a plan to speak English, I can start providing the necessary tips in order. You can think of acquiring English speaking skills like a cooking process. If you put the right ingredients in the right amounts and in the right order, the result will be satisfying. I believe that as long as you make the right moves while learning English, you will reach your desired destination. Let's get started!
Firstly, you need to find a professional who will guide you on the path of learning English. While speaking English may happen as a natural response, you should aim to speak this language correctly and in compliance with its rules. When learning English by speaking, you should not neglect reading, writing, and listening exercises. Speaking this language involves the combination of skills in various areas. For example, through listening exercises, you can mimic the correct pronunciation of words and the harmony in their arrangement in your speech. In short, it is essential to learn patterns, structures, and vocabulary through speaking and complement them with other skills, for which an educator is necessary.
When you incorrectly button one of the buttons on a shirt, the rest will also be wrong. We can say that the mechanism of language learning is parallel to forming habits. If you learn a rule or the pronunciation of a word incorrectly, that mistake stays with you for a long time. To correct it, you need to exert much more effort than the effort required for initially learning it correctly.
Those who do not want to experience this scenario should definitely add the step of instant feedback to their learning processes. Especially when you find an instructor who will work with you, teach one-on-one lessons, and engage in conversation, you can check this criterion.
In addition to conducting one-on-one lessons with a professional instructor, it is essential to have your mistakes pointed out to functionalize speaking practices. When you notice and correct them instantly, your learning process progresses with optimal efficiency.
While emphasizing the critical recommendation of instructors, I need to inform you about a development. As you know, artificial intelligence technology is being included in English learning processes. Particularly, applications developed based on artificial intelligence are gradually becoming a trend. Although I don't find these applications sufficient, there is a more effective use. I will provide you with more detailed information about the Flalingo platform shortly. Flalingo has developed an AI coach that works alongside a human instructor in one-on-one lessons. FLAI analyzes your performance at this point and provides a detailed report at the end of each lesson. You see yourself from the average level to the frequency of used words, how to correct mistakes, and your performance in each learning goal. In other words, in addition to the feedback from the teacher, you also obtain detailed instant feedback with FLAI.
The requirements for each level of learning are predetermined. If you haven't learned specific words, patterns, and language rules, acquiring advanced speaking skills is not possible. Rushing to construct complex sentences in this regard will result in wasting time and efforts in vain. Therefore, hold on tightly to the necessary curriculum and be patient. Don't worry, you will speak English fluently if you follow the guideline.
You followed the curriculum you are working on with your professional instructor. You learned English by speaking and digesting it thoroughly. However, that's not enough. Despite thinking that you have taken the correct steps, you need to ensure that you are at the right point with the necessary level assessment exams. Falling behind or not fully grasping the topics for various reasons during the process is certainly possible. However, you need to detect this properly, spend a bit more time on it, and fully understand the topics. Therefore, do not avoid the necessary level assessment exams.
Everything is set on paper, but implementing these plans is crucial. You are rightfully seeking advice on how to make this possible. Don't worry, there are methods available for this as well.
If what we are looking for is one-on-one lessons and private tutors, we should consider online English applications that make this accessible for everyone, everywhere, and at all times. Although these platforms are designed differently and their content varies, fundamentally, they offer:
Just by looking at this list, you can immediately see the relevance of these platforms to our topic of improving English speaking. Now, let's take a look at the most relevant examples of these platforms and what distinguishes them in terms of their key features.
A few paragraphs ago, I mentioned an important development by dropping this brand name, so I'd like to start by discussing Flalingo when it comes to online English platforms.
Flalingo is a platform that prioritizes speaking goals and provides professional instructors to meet those goals through unconditional one-on-one lessons. Unlike other platforms, with Flalingo, you can have one-on-one lessons without paying extra. Additionally, you can choose to have lessons with the same teacher if you wish, which can greatly assist in achieving your curriculum goals. Furthermore, you engage in planned and structured in-class and out-of-class practices with materials from Oxford University Press.
Once again, I must emphasize checking the FLAI reports with Flalingo. These reports are delivered at the end of the lesson and contain many details about the class. Created with artificial intelligence support, these reports analyze your performance in the most detailed way.
Cambly may be the most well-known among online English platforms. This platform, experienced by a large number of users, prioritizes speaking practices. You can find an instructor and start speaking at any time on this platform. However, this platform is primarily built on finding instructors, meaning it doesn't prioritize level progression like Flalingo does. If you are at a beginner level in English, Cambly may not be the most suitable choice, unlike Flalingo.
Although EF English Live emphasizes learning through speaking, it is a platform that does not provide content in line with this focus. EF English Live operates with a system that is predominantly group-oriented. You are obliged to work with any available instructor, not the one you choose. We are not sure about the number of participants in EF English Live group classes.
While EF English Live offers one-on-one lessons, it charges an additional fee for each live session. Additionally, without a curriculum tracking system, students express their dissatisfaction with the level assessment exams through various channels.
Today, we discussed English speaking skills and how you can improve them. While acquiring speaking skills may seem challenging, you can overcome it easily with the right methods. However, versatility is essential for learning English. Instead of learning only through grammar or speaking alone, each aspect should be systematically added to the process. For this, you need to take lessons from an instructor who will work with you regularly. With this instructor, you should focus on speaking-oriented lessons, receive instant feedback, and learn from your mistakes. At this point, online platforms can be lifesavers if you focus on how to speak English fluently. I mentioned examples such as Flalingo, Cambly, and EF English Live. Flalingo seems to be the most systematic platform, working consistently and enhancing the student experience with innovations.